16 Passover-Friendly Cookie Recipes You'll Be Baking All Year Round (2024)

Chag Pesach Sameach!

By Mackenzie Filson
16 Passover-Friendly Cookie Recipes You'll Be Baking All Year Round (1)

Here at Delish, we believe that desserts (namely cookies) are for every day. So just because you can't have chametz for Passover doesn't mean you have to miss out on enjoying homemade cookies at your seder. Far from it! With a few simple swaps, we created plenty of cookie options that'll pair perfectly with your holiday meal. And no, they're not just chocolate-covered matzo variations (though we do love those too). Don't be surprised when you find yourself wanting to bake these 16 Passover-friendly cookies all year round!

First things first, what is chametz and why do you have to avoid it for Passover? Chametz includes foods with leavening agents (like grains that come into contact with water that then ferment and rise) that are forbidden on holidays like Passover. Foods such as bread, cookies, cakes, and pasta are all chametz, while matzo (an unleavened cracker-like bread) is widely enjoyed on the holiday. As the story goes, when the Israelites were forced to leave Egypt, they had to leave so quickly, it didn't allow time for their bread to rise, which is why avoiding chametz is such a part of celebrating this exodus.

So wait, what's the deal with these cookies? Well, we've got a few tricks up our sleeves. Our passover cookie-baking MVP? Almond flour! Since it's not a grain (and doesn't ferment), it's key to baking up our amaretti cookies, gluten-free almond thumbprints, and delicate French macarons. Another worthy mention? Believe it or not, egg whites. They add a light, crisp crunch to these flourless fudge cookies and, of course, macaroons.

Looking for more Passover seder ideas? Check out all of our favorite modern Passover dinner recipes, flourless Passover desserts, and top-rated kosher wines.


Flourless Fudge Cookies

16 Passover-Friendly Cookie Recipes You'll Be Baking All Year Round (3)

We skipped the flour and butter but still created the fudgiest cookie with the crispiest edges. Whether you're gluten-free or not, you'll find it hard to stop eating these cookies.

Get the Flourless Fudge Cookies recipe.


Air Fryer Coconut Macaroons

16 Passover-Friendly Cookie Recipes You'll Be Baking All Year Round (4)

These are the perfect bite-size treat for any time of day—feel free to skip the chocolate if you want to keep them less sweet. For a pink, raspberry version, smash 1/4 cup fresh raspberries into the foamy egg white mixture with a fork and then toss in the coconut.

Get the Air Fryer Coconut Macaroons recipe.


Air Fryer GF Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies

16 Passover-Friendly Cookie Recipes You'll Be Baking All Year Round (5)

You won't believe these little cookies only have six ingredients, not including a pinch of salt (most of which you probably already have on hand!). We made 'em mini so you can eat more of them! 😊

Get the Air Fryer GF Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies recipe.


Amaretti Cookies

16 Passover-Friendly Cookie Recipes You'll Be Baking All Year Round (6)

If you like the flavor of French macarons, you'll love this take on Italian amaretti cookies. Soft, pillowy, moist, sweet, and lightly scented with amaretto liqueur as well as citrus zests, these cookies get made multiple times a season, year after year.

Get the Amaretti Cookies recipe.


Pignoli Cookies

16 Passover-Friendly Cookie Recipes You'll Be Baking All Year Round (7)

This classic Italian cookie is perfect for the almond lovers in your life. You'll find this cookie in practically any Italian bakery, and it's commonly found throughout Southern Italy and Sicily. The treat is studded with "pignoli", Italian for pine nuts, and gets even more nutty flavor from a hefty amount of almond paste (one of our favorite secret weapons in baked goods for its rich, slightly sweet flavor). Egg whites help give the cookies a chewy and airy texture, and also help make this cookie totally gluten-free—no flour required!

Get the Pignoli Cookies recipe.


Buckwheat Chocolate Chip Cookies

16 Passover-Friendly Cookie Recipes You'll Be Baking All Year Round (8)

Buckwheat flour is a nutritional powerhouse: High in fiber and minerals, it's known for its cardiovascular benefits (and despite its name, it's not actually wheat and thus all clear for Passover). Meanwhile, glutinous rice flour acts as a milky, starchy binder, and almond flour helps to create a rich, nutty, plushy chew. The barely detectable pinch of lavender works together with bright citrus and smokey coffee to balance out the earthiness of the gluten-free flours, and a touch of milk powder completes the flavor package.

Get the Buckwheat Chocolate Chip Cookies recipe.

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French Macarons

16 Passover-Friendly Cookie Recipes You'll Be Baking All Year Round (9)

These delicate French cookies are somehow simultaneously crispy, chewy, soft, and light as air, thanks to egg whites. This makes them the perfect blank canvas for creative flavors and colors. Make sure all your ingredients are room temperature to achieve the greatest success.

Get the French Macarons recipe.


Walnut Snowball Cookies

Though you may not have a snowy Passover, these gluten-free snowball cookies will taste just as good in the spring.

Get the Walnut Snowball Cookies recipe.


Ultimate Macaroons

16 Passover-Friendly Cookie Recipes You'll Be Baking All Year Round (11)

When you just can't stand any more matzo-based desserts, make these gluten-free coconut macaroons instead. You could skip the chocolate, but we don't recommend it.

Get the Ultimate Macaroons recipe.

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Gluten-Free Chocolate Chip Cookies

16 Passover-Friendly Cookie Recipes You'll Be Baking All Year Round (12)

The words "gluten-free" tend to conjure up the feeling of a sandstorm whipping around in one's mouth. It's unpleasant, to say the least. So why would you want to eat a gluten-free chocolate chip cookie? Because, depending on who you ask, these gluten-free chocolate chip cookies are even better than the OG. Don't believe us? Give these a try.

Get the Gluten-Free Chocolate Chip Cookies recipe.


Best Meringue Cookies

16 Passover-Friendly Cookie Recipes You'll Be Baking All Year Round (13)

Meringues may look fancy AF, but they're actually super-easy to make—so long as you keep beating the egg white-sugar mixture until you get stiff and glossy peaks.

Get the Best Meringue Cookies recipe.


Coconut Cookies

16 Passover-Friendly Cookie Recipes You'll Be Baking All Year Round (14)

Soft, chewy, slightly golden crispy edges with toasted coconut strewn throughout, these coconut cookies aren't too shy to highlight their star ingredient. Topped with even more coconut right before baking, these chewy cookies with a crispy edge are a coconut lover's dream.

Get the Coconut Cookies recipe.

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Gluten-Free Almond Thumbprints

16 Passover-Friendly Cookie Recipes You'll Be Baking All Year Round (15)

The buttery, gluten-free base to these versatile cookies pairs well with just about any filling. Pair them with raspberry, blackberry, strawberry—the world is your oyster when it comes to these adorable, bite-sized treats.

Get the Gluten-Free Almond Thumbprints recipe.


Coconut Snickerdoodle Cookies

16 Passover-Friendly Cookie Recipes You'll Be Baking All Year Round (16)

Who doesn't love a good snickerdoodle?! We took inspiration from one of our all-time favorite cookies for this keto shortbread, with the addition of shredded coconut and coconut flour for a hint of tropical flavor. We're hooked.

Get the Coconut Snickerdoodle Cookies recipe.


Keto Magic Cookies

16 Passover-Friendly Cookie Recipes You'll Be Baking All Year Round (17)

These cookies are seriously magical. Super-easy to make and without any flour, you can feel good about eating way more than just one. Make sure neither your coconut oil or butter is melted. You want them both at room temperature, but solid or the cookies will spread too much while baking.

Get the Keto Magic Cookies recipe.

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Triple Almond Cookies

16 Passover-Friendly Cookie Recipes You'll Be Baking All Year Round (18)

This almond cookie is a carefree, one-bowl affair that yields cute little bites with a whole lot of texture. Almonds make an appearance in three forms in this recipe: almond butter, almond flour, and sliced almonds. Eat them fresh for a warm, cakey bite, or let them cool for a soft-on-the-inside, crisp-on-the-edges experience.

Get the Triple Almond Cookies recipe.

16 Passover-Friendly Cookie Recipes You'll Be Baking All Year Round (2024)


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