Simple, Creamy Lentil Dal Nirvana Recipe - Budget Bytes (2024)

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$3.39 recipe / $0.57

by Beth - Budget Bytes


4.84 from 50 votes

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Things are a little tight this month so I made a resolution to use up all (or a lot) of the food that I have in my pantry and freezer. Sure, I should always be doing this anyway but exciting recipes always seem to entice me into trying (and buying) new things.

Anyway, I have two huge bags of lentils (a.k.a. “dal”) sitting in my pantry that have been waiting for their day in the spot light. I saw this recipe for Dal Nirvana over on Steamy Kitchen and it looked so scrumptious that I had to try it. The best part is that the ingredient list is mostly items that I already have. Indian recipes are tricky because they usually include ingredients that I don’t have nor have I ever heard of! This recipe, on the other hand is different. It’s simple, it’s delicious, it’s super filling and I’d happily eat it every day.

I served the Dal with some simple, steamed jasmine rice and homemade naan (Indian flat bread). The recipe for the naan will be up in a couple of days… it turned out AMAZING!

Dal Nirvana

Simple, Creamy Lentil Dal Nirvana Recipe - Budget Bytes (2)

Dal Nirvana

4.84 from 50 votes

Dal nirvana is a simple, creamy lentil dish seasoned with aromatic Indian spices.

Simple, Creamy Lentil Dal Nirvana Recipe - Budget Bytes (3)

Simple, Creamy Lentil Dal Nirvana Recipe - Budget Bytes (4) Servings 6

Prep 10 minutes mins

Cook 1 hour hr

Total 1 hour hr 10 minutes mins

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  • 1 cup dry brown lentils ($0.31)
  • 1 15oz. can crushed or diced tomatoes ($1.49)
  • 2 cloves garlic ($0.12)
  • 1 inch fresh ginger ($0.07)
  • 1/2 tsp cayenne pepper ($0.03)
  • 1/2 tsp ground cumin ($0.03)
  • 2 Tbsp butter ($0.17)
  • salt and pepper to taste ($0.05)
  • 1/2 cup evaporated milk or cream ($0.75)
  • 1/4 bunch fresh cilantro ($0.37)


  • Place the lentils in a pot and cover with a couple inches of water. Bring to a boil over high heat and boil until tender (about ten minutes). Drain the lentils in a colander.

  • While the lentils are boiling, mince the garlic and peel and grate the ginger (use a small cheese grater). Return the drained lentils to the pot (medium heat) and add the butter, ginger, garlic, cayenne, cumin, salt and pepper.

  • Add the can of tomatoes and one cup of water. Stir it all together, bring it to a simmer then reduce the heat to low. Put a lid on the pot and let it simmer for half an hour. The mixture should be soft and thick after a half hour. If it is not, continue to simmer, adding more water if it dries out. You want the end product to be thick, not watery.

  • Stir in the evaporated milk or cream and garnish with fresh, chopped cilantro. Serve over rice or with naan bread for dipping!

See how we calculate recipe costs here.


Serving: 1ServingCalories: 204.3kcalCarbohydrates: 28.98gProtein: 10.78gFat: 6.08gSodium: 327.67mgFiber: 5.05g

Read our full nutrition disclaimer here.

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Simple, Creamy Lentil Dal Nirvana Recipe - Budget Bytes (6)

Step By Step Photos

Simple, Creamy Lentil Dal Nirvana Recipe - Budget Bytes (7)
I have this huge bag of brown lentils so that is what I used. Black lentils were used in the Steamy Kitchen recipe so feel free to experiment.

Simple, Creamy Lentil Dal Nirvana Recipe - Budget Bytes (8)
Place the lentils in a pot and cover with two inches of water.

Simple, Creamy Lentil Dal Nirvana Recipe - Budget Bytes (9)
Bring the pot to a boil over high heat. Boil until the lentils are soft (about ten minutes).

Simple, Creamy Lentil Dal Nirvana Recipe - Budget Bytes (10)
While the lentils boil, mince the garlic, peel and grate the ginger.

Simple, Creamy Lentil Dal Nirvana Recipe - Budget Bytes (11)
Drain the lentils then return them to the pot (reduce heat to medium).

Simple, Creamy Lentil Dal Nirvana Recipe - Budget Bytes (12)
Add the butter, garlic, ginger, cayenne, cumin, salt and pepper. Stir it on up.

Simple, Creamy Lentil Dal Nirvana Recipe - Budget Bytes (13)
Add the can of crushed or diced tomatoes, one cup of water and stir it all together.

Simple, Creamy Lentil Dal Nirvana Recipe - Budget Bytes (14)
Simmer the mixture with a lid on until it is cooked down to a soft, thick mixture.

Simple, Creamy Lentil Dal Nirvana Recipe - Budget Bytes (15)
Add the evaporated milk or cream…

Simple, Creamy Lentil Dal Nirvana Recipe - Budget Bytes (16)
Stir it up, sprinkle with chopped cilantro and serve it up!

Simple, Creamy Lentil Dal Nirvana Recipe - Budget Bytes (17)

NOTE: I’m sure you could make this recipe for less money than I did. I happened to be near a Whole Foods yesterday so I stopped there to pick up the few ingredients that I didn’t have (cilantro, ginger, cream and diced tomatoes). I may have paid a little more than usual but this recipe is so simple and inexpensive that it was still well worth it.

The Steamy Kitchen version says it serves four but I portioned out my lunches and got six servings out of the pot. Of course, I was serving the Dal with rice and naan which bulked up the meal as a whole.

Simple, Creamy Lentil Dal Nirvana Recipe - Budget Bytes (2024)


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