Teach English in a Model Village | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Nepal 2024 (2024)

4 - 50 weken · Leeftijd 18 - 50+ · Zeer hoog Responsgraad

Teach English in a Model Village | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Nepal 2024 (1)


  • Be in Nepal living Museum
  • oppurtunity to see the sustainable tourism pratice
  • Support the villagers in their daily life
  • Explore Gurung tribes Heritages & culture
  • Experience the home stay and local foods

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Teach English in a Model Village | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Nepal 2024 (2) Leeftijd 18+

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Teach English in a Model Village | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Nepal 2024 (7) 50+

Over het programma

Empower the community school and support villagers while staying in Nepal largest model village famous for home stays, authentic food & culture!

Bhujung is a Nepal biggest village and a established product in Nepal domestic tourism by the uniqueness it offers. the village is made of around 500 houses where estimated two thousand peoples lives. its famous in Nepal for its large size where culture & nature meets the humans life. making it a ...

Over het programma

Bhujung is a Nepal biggest village and a established product in Nepal domestic tourism by the uniqueness it offers. the village is made of around 500 houses where estimated two thousand peoples lives. its famous in Nepal for its large size where culture & nature meets the humans life. making it a great asset for the travelers, researcher. The village has been famous around the world & lies in the Annapurna conservation area project an organization working in preserving forest and wild life, sustainable practice of life, supporting education and promoting tourism . its a blessed land and probably one of the best area to know the Nepal and Nepalese. the area is famous among the local Nepalese and peoples form city area like Kathmandu widely visit to explore the culture and enjoy the home stay in rural settlement.

This is important programme for both locals to have volunteer in their place and volunteer to have a place which is one of the unique model village of Nepal

Volunteers can contribute in the community school, teach english and contribue their off teaching time in agricultural works. Volunteers can experience the new world and locals gets benefitted by volunteers presence in their day to day life. It is a social journey that connects two cultures and benefitting each other in a comprehencive way.

The major purpose of the program is to support a rural Nepal through volunteers in teaching to the community schools, helping them in their agricultural works where volunteers role is to assist the childrens in their daily learning and help to empower the gov schools in far away from center.

The surrounding area from the village are famous trek routes, Gurung heritage trekking trails which passes through the village , glacier lakes like dudh pokhari which can be reached after walking 2-3 days . The nature and culture are rich in the area because of the place being the tribal peopels land which make the whole experience for the volunteer a great one .

Volunteers will work with schools children in a village school, work with home stay family while helping in their farms and gardens.

Villagers expect from the volunteers is a role of teacher which can make their children education background more rich because of the contribution of the volunteer and volunteer can expect a beautiful welcome from the villagers, a life long teaching experience, a lot of activities like waking in nature and doing some extra things then regular tourist does in Nepal.

There is no special equipment a volunteer needed to bring while choosing this project.

Volunteers here will support the local community school with teaching activities. explore the deep culture of the village and enjoying a beautiful home stay experience in the epi center of the Gurung community while helping the day-to-day work in the community.

Volunteers are greeted in Kathmandu airport and transferred to home stay in Kathmandu to spend few nights while learning about Kathmandu and Nepal to know more about the history of Kathmandu our team will take you on a walking tour around valley and give you the first impression of the country. after spending couple nights in Kathmandu you will be transferred to the village.

After the stay in Kathmandu, volunteers will travel to mountain village named Bhujung in Annapurna accompanied by our field staff. The Journey will be 7 hours in a bus & another 3 hours by jeep total combining 10 hours around , the first part of the journey will be in paved roads and the second one will be in a off road.

Dagelijkse activiteiten

The volunteers will stay with local host families as a family member. They will teach students what they are really good at. Besides their expertise they are expected to teach English lessons and computer basics to students for 3-4 hours each day except Saturdays and public holidays. First few days ...

Dagelijkse activiteiten

The volunteers will stay with local host families as a family member. They will teach students what they are really good at. Besides their expertise they are expected to teach English lessons and computer basics to students for 3-4 hours each day except Saturdays and public holidays. First few days the local teachers will help volunteers (co-teaching) and they will be given full responsibility to handle the class.

Volunteer wake up with the fresh mountain view and enjoy the local tea freshly pick up from the garden

Around 9 am volunteer is provided morning meal before going to school. Volunteer starts the teaching after seeing the routine of the school for the day.

There will be a short break in mid day where volunteer is provided some snacks.

After teaching whole day volunteer returns back home and help the community with any other works, help cook foods in the house where he or she stays.

After a dinner in the evening volunteer goes to sleep. completing a day work.

Roughly the schedule of the volunteer:

7AM: Bed Tea

8AM: Yoga and morning walk

9AM : Lunch

10 AM : begenning of the school hour and teaching

1PM : School break and snacks

2-3 PM :More teaching

4PM: school finish

7 PM: dinner in home stay

8PM: cultural dances some times

9PM off to bed


The village is surrounded with many beautiful things so there are always some things to do while having free time. Bathing in Kaiyo water fall, or walking to the Lamjung himal near by jungle as hiker, visit monastery or tea garden, observe the Micro hydroelectricity, make a walking to explore the ...


The village is surrounded with many beautiful things so there are always some things to do while having free time. Bathing in Kaiyo water fall, or walking to the Lamjung himal near by jungle as hiker, visit monastery or tea garden, observe the Micro hydroelectricity, make a walking to explore the village. Visit village museum, participate in cultural program or occasionally honey hunting are the best activities while you are free.



Teach English in a Model Village | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Nepal 2024 (8)

Minimum leeftijd: 18 jaar

Om deel te nemen aan het programma dien je tenminste 18 jaar oud te zijn op de startdatum van het programma. Er kunnen uitzonderingen gemaakt worden indien je een bewijs van toestemming kan aantonen van uw wettelijke voogd(en) of samen met je ouders deelneemt.

Teach English in a Model Village | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Nepal 2024 (9)


Je dient over volgende taalkennis te beschikken Engels (basis niveau)

Teach English in a Model Village | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Nepal 2024 (10)


Teaching op High School niveau

Teach English in a Model Village | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Nepal 2024 (11)

Bewijs van goed gedrag en zeden


Teach English in a Model Village | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Nepal 2024 (12)

Vereiste documenten

General education bio data is needed

Teach English in a Model Village | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Nepal 2024 (13)


Geen beperkingen. Helpende handen van over de hele wereld zijn welkom.

Teach English in a Model Village | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Nepal 2024 (14)

Andere vaardigheden

If you have skills on sports, computer knowledge it can be very useful.

Teach English in a Model Village | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Nepal 2024 (15)


Uw helpende hand wordt verwacht op maandag, dinsdag, woensdag, donderdag, vrijdag en zondag van 11:00 - 15:30

Diensten ingesloten

Diensten ingesloten

Teach English in a Model Village | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Nepal 2024 (16)

Diensten door Good Karma Foundation Nepal

Teach English in a Model Village | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Nepal 2024 (17)

Airport arrival and all transfer

Available public buses to reach the volunteering place

three times food a day

mountain house accommodations

organization support and sim cards

Teach English in a Model Village | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Nepal 2024 (18)

Afhaal aan de luchthaven op Tribhuvan International Airport

Teach English in a Model Village | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Nepal 2024 (19)

all airport pick up and drop off are included

Teach English in a Model Village | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Nepal 2024 (20)


Teach English in a Model Village | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Nepal 2024 (21)

The accommodations will be in home stays

Teach English in a Model Village | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Nepal 2024 (22)

Eten & Drank

Teach English in a Model Village | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Nepal 2024 (23)

Three times food like Breakfast, Lunch and dinner are provided in the package.

Volunteers are provided the organic foods from the villagers farm house. as part of Nepal regular fixed diet volunteers has to adjust with having rice but there will be options like local corn breads, vegetables, traditional dises like dhindo are widely served . Noodles are also best options.

Organic mushrooms and bamboo shoots are widely consumed in the village since it is available in forest and villagers ocasionally collect them for their vegetables supplement

Local Raksi/wine and beer both are produced in village and can try if volunteers likes the local taste

Teach English in a Model Village | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Nepal 2024 (24)

Internet toegang

Teach English in a Model Village | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Nepal 2024 (25)

Beperkte toegang op de project site

Wat is er NIET inbegrepen?

Wat is er NIET inbegrepen?

Teach English in a Model Village | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Nepal 2024 (26)

Vlucht tickets

Teach English in a Model Village | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Nepal 2024 (27)

De dichtste luchthaven is Tribhuvan International Airport (KTM) in Kathmandu. We assisteren u met het vinden van goedkope vluchten naar Nepal.

Teach English in a Model Village | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Nepal 2024 (28)


Teach English in a Model Village | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Nepal 2024 (29)

Naar het buitenland reizen is een avontuur en het is best om goed voorbereid te zijn. Plots ziek worden of gewond raken, annulaties of diefstal - een reisverzekering voor Nepal biedt zekerheid en is een meerwaarde.

Teach English in a Model Village | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Nepal 2024 (30)


Teach English in a Model Village | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Nepal 2024 (31)

Als je de intentie hebt om als vrijwilliger aan de slag te gaan in Nepal dien je eerst medisch advies in te winnen alvorens je eropuit trekt. Kijk de benodigde vaccinaties na voor Nepal.


Gegevens over jouw aankomst

You can start the program at any time


jan. feb. mrt. apr. mei. jun. jul. aug. sep. okt. nov. dec.


4 weken (min. verblijf) 970€

5 weken 1.212€

6 weken 1.455€

7 weken 1.698€

11 weken 2.668€

19 weken 4.608€

50 weken (max. verblijf) 12.125€

Gemiddelde kosten 242€/week


242€ per week Teach English in a Model Village | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Nepal 2024 (32) 4 - 50 weken Teach English in a Model Village | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Nepal 2024 (33) Leeftijd 18 - 50+


Teach English in a Model Village | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Nepal 2024 (34) Teach English in a Model Village | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Nepal 2024 (35) Teach English in a Model Village | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Nepal 2024 (36) Teach English in a Model Village | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Nepal 2024 (37) Teach English in a Model Village | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Nepal 2024 (38)


Teach English in a Model Village | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Nepal 2024 (39)


4 - 50 weken

Teach English in a Model Village | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Nepal 2024 (40)


De waarborg dient om je plek als vrijwilliger te verzekeren. Betalingen worden door PayPal behandeld, onze betrouwbare betalingsprovider. Indien je niet over een PayPal account beschikt, kan je ook met een credit kaart betalen.

Teach English in a Model Village | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Nepal 2024 (41)

Finale betaling

Uw finale betaling zal worden goedgekeurd door Good Karma Foundation Nepal gedurende de aanmeld procedure. Veel voorkomende oplossingen zijn een banktransfer of contante betaling op de projectsite.

Ontmoet je organisatie

Teach English in a Model Village | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Nepal 2024 (42)

Teach English in a Model Village | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Nepal 2024 (43)

Good Karma Foundation Nepal

Briljant4.7 Teach English in a Model Village | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Nepal 2024 (44) (25 beoordelingen)

NGO - opgericht in 2014

Geverifieerd door Volunteer World

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Gepresenteerd door

Teach English in a Model Village | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Nepal 2024 (45)


Gesproken talen: Engels

Over de organisatie

Good karma foundation was founded after the Nepal Earthquake of April 2015, the biggest disaster of our history. The Foundation helps to rebuild and empower locals.

Ontmoet je organisatie

The Good karma foundation was founded after the Nepal Earthquake of April 2015, the biggest disaster of our history. The Foundation helped in the huge rebuilding and reconstruction work, which captivated our volunteers from worldwide destinations. This year has been one of the most trying in Nepalese history. Our plan is to go ahead with as much work as we can fund to make Nepal a better place to live in guided by our best idea as, our altruistic philosophy, our resources and technology.

There are many national and international, non-governmental organizations in Nepal and Good Karma is trying to be an effective one. Good Karma wants to bring practical results from its work and if you are interested in these practical results you can be part of our foundation. The Good Karma Foundation will basically work with help of volunteers worldwide who want to rebuild and help Nepal.

Most of the Institutions are currently focusing on areas like Kathmandu, Pokhara and Chitwan but our goal is to cover outlaying areas of Nepal, possibly in all 75 districts of our country. The nice part of our projects is we want to touch all the district of country, not only focusing on the easy areas.

Our focus will be on issues of Health and Education which can help Nepal to make a better place for tomorrow. We also organize training and social awareness in the areas respectively. Most of the population of the country live in the urban and mountain area and lack basic medical care.

If you are interested, please send us your full information and in which district you would like to volunteer. We can also help you to choose the area of volunteering. Even if you are in short time we can recommend closer areas from the urban center. if you are intending to do long term volunteering, we recommend to focusing on marginal areas of the country.

Vision of the Organization

A rural Nepal with better living conditions.

Mission of the Organization

Effective use of volunteer with expertise in health and education to improve the social conditions in rural Nepal.

Teach English in a Model Village | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Nepal 2024 (2024)


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Author information

Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

Address: Apt. 203 613 Huels Gateway, Ralphtown, LA 40204

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Job: Regional Design Producer

Hobby: Nordic skating, Lacemaking, Mountain biking, Rowing, Gardening, Water sports, role-playing games

Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.