a a a a a a a a a SEVEN THE CUMBERLAND NEWS, CUMBERLAND, TUESDAY, MARCH 14, 1950 AD Taker 4600 for a WANT DUDE DUDE Sluss Is First Candidate To Enter Frostburg Mayoral Race World War Veteran Is Completing First Term As Councilman FROSTBURG -Street Commissioner William W. Sluss, stated yesterday that he will file an application this week with City Clerk Alex G. Close to become a candidate for mayor in the municipal election Tuesday, April 4. Now serving his first term in the city council, Sluss made his first try in politics at the city election held April 6, 1948, when he was candidate for city council. received the second highest vote of any of the council candidates.
A native of Frostburg, Sluss: resides at 104 West College Avenue with his wife, the former Miss Frances Bauer, and their two children. He is engaged with his father in a grocery business at 110 West Main Street. A graduate of Beall High School, class of 1930, Sluss, was employed for 14 months by the Kelly field Tire Company, relinquishing that position to attend Strayers College of Accountancy. He is a veteran of World War II, having served 51 months in the Army, 26 of which were spent in the China-Burma-India theatre of operations. Sluss is a member of the American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars and the Second Corps Army Advisory Committee.
He is a past exalted ruler and a trustee of the Frostburg Elks and is a member of St. Paul's Lutheran Church and the Frostburg Lions Club. Sluss stated yesterday he expects to seek election with four candidates who will file their applications with the city clerk prior to the election. Keyser Methodist Men To Attend Dinner KEYSER, W. Men will meet Wednesday at 6 p.
m. for supper and to hear a talk by Bishop C. Wicke, of the Pittsburgh area. The supper will be held in Grace Methodist Church. The bishop is conducting services in Grace Church, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday evenings, ginning at 7:30 o'clock.
The supper will be prepared and served by women of the church and an offering taken at door. the Benefit Dance Is Planned In Barton BARTON- round and square dance will be held at the Barton Armory Wednesday for the benefit of the Barton Hose Company' No. 1. Donald Keister will play a trumpet solo and Charles Yohmer will present piano and accordion selections. The dance will start at 9 p.
1 m. with music by the "Blues Chasers." I Beall Reunion Chairmen Named FROSTBURG-Robert Jones and Ralph M. Race have appointed co-chairmen and Sets, Charles N. Hill has been named secretary of 1950 Beall High School alumni reunion to be held here June 16, 18. The appointed are: Registration-Mrs.
Thomas W. Price, chairman; Ann Thomas, Mary Martha Jenkins, Grace Filer and Mrs. Andrew Dunn; dance Darrell Zeller, chairman; Benjamin Gerson, John Sleeman, Robert Hohing and James. Dance decorations- William Pric-17 hard; Harold Jenkins, Lois Mackey, Donald Jeffries and Kenneth James. Program Blevin Reese, chairman; Finzel, Robert Jones, Mrs.
William Park, Mary Hanson, Margaret Mullan, Mrs. William Saylor, Mrs. Elmo Biller, Gertrude Willians and John Frank. Advertising- -James Taylor, chairman; Joseph Downey, Harry Eisel, James Neilson, Harold Cain, Maurice Nelson, Fenton Davis, Evan Sigler and John Crowe. Class reunions Mrs.
Margaret Close and Mrs. Margaret Kidwell. Banquet--Ralph Race and Kenneth Close, speaker and toastmaster, Edward Finzel and Clarence F. Rephann; Sunday services, Edward Richardson, chairman; Benjamin Myers, Rev. W.
D. Reese and F. Earl Kreitzburg. Registration will be held Friday and Saturday of reunion week. A dance will be held Friday evening at the Clary Club.
Saturday will be the day for class reunions and other activities, including a in the evening at the American Legion Home. Church services will be held at Beall High School. Cook Ordered Held In CIO Official's Death HUNTINGTON, W. March 13 (AP)-A 28-year-old restaurant cook, charged with murder in the death of CIO Regional Director B. (Hank) Wolford, was ordered held today for grand jury action.
Wolford died night in the club rooms of Moose Lodge of injuries police said he apparently received in a fight following a card game. Harry Ison, charged in the case, waived before Magistrate today preliminary, hearine, and was remanded to the county jail without bond. Officers said he signed a statement admitting he had "shoved" a play in the game. of a Wolford during an over arguments fight, however, were mentioned. Plan Square Dance WESTERNPORT- square dance sponsored by the Tri-Towns Girl Scout Lone Troop Association will be held Friday from 8 to 11:30 p.
m. at Burns' Dining Hall. Michael Laffey will call the figures. Music will be provided by Clarence Weasenforth, Kenneth Kooken and George Wolf, Proceeds will be used for the Girl Scout camping fund. Tri-State Deaths MRS.
MEAGHER BURIAL FROSTBURG- funeral service for Mrs. Sadie Meagher, 69, who died Sunday, will be conducted tomorrow at 2:30 p. m. at the residence at Wright's Crossing. Rev.
John Bayley Jones, of First Methodist Church, will officiate and burial will be in Allegany Cemetery. JOHN F. STEELE LONACONING-John F. Steele, 80, of Castle Hill, died yesterday in Miner's Hospital, Frostburg, where he had been a patient since Tuesday. A native of Lonaconing, he was the son of the late John and Margaret Barr Steele.
He was a retired coal miner. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Jane Frances Emerson Steele, a son, John James Steele; a daughter, Mrs. Jessie Neat, and two brothers, James and David Steele, all of Lonaconing. MRS.
SUSAN M. LISTON MEYERSDALE, Susan McMillan Liston, 99, former re(sident, died January 9 in the Ladies Grand Army Republic Home in Swissvale Pa. In 1908, Mrs. Liston came to Meyersdale in order that her nephew, Paul McMillan, could attend high school here. She left here 10 years ago.
the Swissvale, Tuesday. will be in Hyndman Cemetery. cemetery. The Cenchrean Missionary Circle of St. Paul's Lutheran Church will hold a covered dish supper this evening at 6 o'clock in the lecture room of the church.
"His Life A Ransom for Many" will be the topic of the mid-week service Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. in Zion Evangelical and Reformed Church. The Lenten discourse will be by Rev. Walter D.
Mehrling, pastor. Mrs. Herman Wilson, Hill Street, WAS in New York over the weekend. attending a concert at the Town Hall in which her daughter. Betty, had a leading solo part with the Vinaver Singers.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Spitznas, Akron, were weekend guests of his nieces, Misses Ina and Anna Spitznas, West Mechanic Street, while en route south on their honeymoon. Mr.
and Mrs. William Thomas and son. Douglas, are home after spending three weeks' vacation in Florida. Mrs. Mary Byrnes, Mrs.
Anne Robinson and Mr. and Mrs. James Scutchfield. Cumberland, attended the funeral of Walter Byrnes in Swissvale, Tuesday. NEWS FROM THE TRI-STATE AREA Hold Supper Tonight Trio To Compete At Keyser In State Oratorical Contest Second Phase Tonight Girl Scouts To At School High PIEDMONT, W.
have been completed for a covered dish supper for Girl Scouts of the TriTowns and their mothers to be held in the recreation hall of Trinity Methodist Church today at 6. p. in observance of Girl Scout Week. New Brownies and Intermediates will be inducted following the dinner and badges will bee awarded. The trip to Washington May 6 and will be explained to the mothers.
Piedmont P-TA Will Nominate PIEDMONT, W. nominating committee composed of Mrs: Arthur Hartman, chairman, Rodney Baker, Mrs. Carleton Bell, Mrs. Raymond Hudson and Mrs. Bernadette Vogtman was appointed at the regular meeting of the Piedmont Parent Teacher Association by John Price, president.
A bake sale will be held soon at the Potomac Edison Company office plans are being made for a dance. Mrs. Harry K. Drane is general chairman of the affair. Two vocal selections were given by a trio of the Treble Choir of Trinity Methodist Church composed of Miss Jean Junkins, Mrs.
Jean Warnick and Mrs. Elaine Cheshire. A movie was shown and refreshments were served. Neighborhood Club Holds Party Mt. Pleasant Neighborhood Club held a St.
Patrick's Day party at the home of Mrs. Ruth Connor. Tables were decorated in green and white. Prizes were won by Helen Harvey, Berrty Connors and Margaret Kelly. 'Others present were Effie Kerr, Margaret Ralston, Agnes Connors, Fannie Harvey, Martha Kerr, Mary Myers, Sue Day, Mrs.
George Lemmert, Virginia Kight and Marian Lemmert. The next meeting will be an Easter party at the home of Mrs. Martha Kerr. OES To Entertain Master Masons LONACONING Martha Washington Chapter No. 10, Order of Eastern Star, will entertain Master Masons of Georges Creek Valley Lodge No.
161, in the Masonic Temple Thursday, at 8 p. m. The officers will present a ceremony entitled "Master Masons' Night" and a skit, "Henpeck Holler Goosip Meetin'," will be presented. Following the program, there will be a social hour and refreshments. All Georges Creek Valley Master Masons are cordially invited to attend.
Lonaconing Personals Harry Reiber, who has been 111 for two weeks, is able to be out. Clarence Jones, Robert Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jones, of New sington, visited Misses Mamie and Reta Jones, Hanekamp Street. Mrs.
Reta Parsons and children, Jenny and Danny, Dayton, Ohio, are visiting Mrs. Cecelia Jones and Mrs. Jennie J. Graham, Mr. and Mrs.
Dundas Orr, Washington, visited William Orr, Douglas Avenue. He underwent an appendectomy at Memorial Hospital, recently. A shrimp feed was held Friday night at the James P. Love Post No. 92, American Legion.
Meyersdale Briefs Dr. Robert C. Meehan, who has been retesting cattle. for Bangs disease in Elklick Township area, reports he will conclude his work in the next three weeks. A St.
Patrick's Card Party will be held in the dining room of the New Colonial Hotel by Mrs. Mary Sherman and Mrs. Stephen Gimble Jr. for the benefit of the Church Building Fund of S. S.
Phillip and James Catholic Church, March 16. Westernport Briefs The Ladies Aid of the Church of the Brethren will meet at the home of Mrs. Harry Pence, 319 Hammond Street, Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. Philos Lodge No.
91, I. O. O. will confer the first degree class of candidates at the Odd Fellows Hall Wednesday at 8 p. m.
Mrs. Flora Darr, Westernport, is recuperating in Potomac Valley Hospital following an operation. For Sale: Double Dwelling, All Conveniences, Immediate Possession, Charlton Dodds, Douglas Avenue, Lonaconing, Phone 3543. 14-15 Upholstering Bugs DURALIZED CLEAN A. scientific method brings back the newness to the fabric with orofessional care.
To Economize Duralize! Moth Proofing. Guaranteed Five Year: G. V. Lammert Son Phone Frosthurg 95-M I FEES Church Marks Anniversary MEYERSDALE, Pa. The Main Street Brethren Church observed Anniversary Day Sunday with special services morning and evening at which a former pastor, Rev.
Willis E. Ronk, was the main speaker. The event marked the 40th anniversary of the dedication of the church building and the 69th year of the organization of the gation. Rev. Mr.
Ronk moderator of the general conference of the Brethren Church. He served as pastor of the local church from 1927 to 1935. During the afternoon, the pastor, W. S. Benshoff and his wife held open house.
Meyersdale Couple Mark Anniversary MEYERSDALE, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Ebaugh, Route 1, Meyersdale, celebrated their 61st wedding anniversary on Friday, March 10.
They were married March 10, 1889, at Meyersdale Church of the Brethren. Ebaugh was born November 12, 1865, in Summit Township, a son of the late Roman and Mary Albright Ebaugh. His wife, Mary Susan, was born March 1, 1864, in Meyersdale, a daughter of the late William and Catherine Phillip Saylor. Ebaugh has served as road supervisor, school director and was an employee of for the State Highway! Department many years until he retired operated farm in Summit Township. They are members of Meyersdale Church of the Brethren.
They have one son William R. Ebaugh, Meyersdale, three grandchildren and two great grandchildren. First Study Course Session Is Held FROSTBURG. The approved study course, sponsored by the Women's Society of Christian Service at First Methodist Church, met for the first time Wednesday with Rev. John Bayley Jones, pastor, as instructor.
Mrs. H. R. Aldridge led the devotions. Miss Nan Jeffries, registrar, reported 43 women enrolled for the course, "Women of Scripture," Representatives of four Methodist Churches attended.
The enrollment included three from Shaft, three from Midland, seven from Lonaconing and 30 from Frostburg. All interested in the course will be to attend Wednesday, March 15, at 7:30 o'clock at the church. a 8 Council To Meet BARTON-Pride of Barton Council No. 77, Daughters of America, will meet at the Odd Fellows Hall, Hall Street, this eyening at 7:30 p. m.
Feel as fresh as a breath of spring with a Flattering New Permanent VAUDA'S BEAUTY SALON 64 E. Main St. Frostburg Phone 344-W All May Help! SUPPORT YOUR 1950 FUND CAMPAIGN Ward's Studio "photography" Frostburg Phone 767 The Village Theatre Salisbury, Pa. Tuesday Wed. Thurs.
"Of Mice and Men" "Secret of St. Ives" Starring Lon Chaney, Jr. Plus Laurel and Hardy in "The Grapes of Wrath" Better Than "The Chimp" Fri. Sat. Sunday "Sundown" "Reckless Starring Gene Tierney Moment" Hear Joe Lawther Twice Nightly at Concert Hammond Organ Lonaconing Legion Post Nominates Candidates Boy Post For Commander Gave Unopposed Plans Anniversary KEYSER, W.
contestants in the Section American Legion Oratorical Contest will compete in the second step in the state a and national tournament tonight at 7:30 o'clock in Keyser High School Auditorium. A half hour band concert will be given prior to the speaking program by the Keyser High School Band. There will be three contestants in the oratorical contest, Misses Janet Colburn, Riversville High School: Miriam Wiest, Martinsburg High School, and Delores Robinson, Clarksburg. Each will speak on "An American Citizen's Rights and Responsibilities under the Constitution," and speak extemporaneously on some part of the Constitution. Miss Wiest was the winner in the sectional contest held at Potomac State School last week.
The contestants have already won the privilege of four-year scholarships granted them in some West Virginia College, exclusive of West Virginia University. Police Patrol Plans Minstrel KEYSER, W. "Sunshine Minstrels," will 1 be given by the Junior Police Patrol in the Keyser High School auditorium, March 21 and 22 at 8 p. m. Sixty young boys and girls of the grade schools in Keyser, Limestone and McCoole will furnish the entertainment.
The group has prepared a program including tap dancing, songs, jokes and novelties. The students have made signs and assembled the necessary equipment for the minstrel. Mt. Savage News Briefs Court Teresa No. 557, Catholic Daughters of America, will hold special meeting Wednesday at p.
m. in St. Patrick's Hall. Several new membership applications are to be considered and plans for a reception March 29 will be made. The G.
N. Card Club of Calla Hill met at the home of Mrs. Thelma Green. Prize winners were Mrs. Agnes Ratigan and Mrs.
Maude Holsinger. Guests included Miss Leona Green and Mrs. Thelma Hess. The next meeting will be home of Mrs. Margaret Crow, Poplar, American Street, March Legion 22.
No. 159 and the Ladies Auxiliary Unit will hold joint social this evening at o'clock, in the post headquarters. An ironer demonstration will be given in the VFW hall at 10 a. m. today.
All women of the community are invited. Chairlady of the Blue Cross for the Homemakers, Mrs. Thomas Adams has asked that all cards be returned to her Mt. Savage Personals John Derrick and Arthur Uhl, have returned after spending ten days in Washington. Rev.
Thomas Fannon has returned to Baltimore after spending several days with his mother, Mrs. Mary Fannon. Rev. and Mrs. Paul Goetz announce the birth of a daughter in Scranton, Hospital.
Mrs. Goetz is the former Miss Mildred McKenzie, R. a graduate of Allegany Hospital School of Nursing, Cumberland. Moose Plan Supper A meat loaf supper will be served by the Ladies Auxiliary of Keyser Moose Lodge at the Moose Home, Thursday, from 5:30 to 7:30 p. m.
Following the supper, the Moose Athletic Club will present a schedule of exhibition boxing matches for members. Come In Early For That New Easter Suit By Botany (500) Michaels Stern Style Mart A. Chas. Stewart Frostburg, Md. KEYSER, W.
Va. BoyceHouser Post No. 41, American Legion, will celebrate the 31st anniversary of the American Legion this week. The Legion and Auxiliary will hold a birthday dinner Thursday at 6:30 p. in 1 the Legion Home.
C. A. Tesch, Charleston, Department adjutant, will speak and Kirkland S. McKee, dean of Potomac State School, will be toastmaster. Keyser To Hear Oratory Contest KEYSER, W.
Va. The BoyceHouser Post, Keyser American Legion Band will present a half hour concert in Keyser High School Auditorium today from 7 to 7:30 p. prior to the opening of the torical contest for stuAmerican Legion orasponsored, dents. There will be contestants representing three districts 2, 10 and 11, in the sectional tournament. Miss Miriam Weist, 16, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. G. W. Weist, from Martinsburg High School, won in the tenth district tourney conducted week at Potomac State School. Two others will join Miss Weist in the sectional, coming from District 2 and 11.
The winner from this meeting will go to Charleston on March 23 for the state tournament. Lenten Service Set fourth midweek Lenten service of St. Paul's Lutheran Church will be held Wednesday evening at 7:30. The pastor will preach on "The Centurion, Man of Faith." Hymns to be studied are "My Faith Looks Up to Thee" and "Rock of Ages." GOING TO TRADE OR BUY A NEW CAR? For information regarding recommended financing institutions and automobile insurance with the Farm Bureau Mutual Automobile Insurance Co. of Columbus, Ohio, it will be to your advantage to call me today.
R. C. Barclay Frostburg National Bank Building Phone 432 LONACONING Members of Alvin C. Neat Post 5280, Veterans of Foreign Wars, nominated candidates for offices at a meeting Thursday 1 night. Nominees are Charles Cave, unopposed for commander; Willard Brakeall, unopposed for senior vice 1 commander; Thomas Izat, and Benjamin Zarger, for junior vice commander; Samuel Bean and Harold James for Judge advocate; Pershing Holmes, Samuel Bean and John Meyers for surgeon; Thomas A.
Park. Herman Kammauff, James Burt, John Gunter, and James Dick, for one three-year trustee post, and John Bradburn, quartermaster. Officers will be elected at a meeting at 7:30 p. m. Thursday, March 23.
Guests at the meeting were Ward Caddington, Silver Spring, department senior vice commander, Frank Webb. Cumberland, department historian, and Edward Murray, Mount Savage, district commander. The Ladies Auxiliary will present a minstrel at Newton D. Baker Veterans Hospital, Martinsburg, W. Friday.
The post minstrel, "Minstrelcapades of 1949," will be presented March 24 at Cresaptown School. The post voted a $10 donation to the Red Cross drive. WILLIAM W. SLUSS, JR. DR.
ADAM D. BAER Dr. Baer Enters Commission Race In Frostburg Chiropractor Files With City Clerk FROSTBURG-Dr. Adam Baer, local chiropractor and resident of Frostburg for 15 years, filed a tion with City Clerk, Alex G. Close yesterday 1 to become a candidate for the office of city commissioner in the municipal election April 4.
A native of Hagerstown, Dr. Baer is the husband of the former Miss Lois Grove, Greencastle, Pa. They have three children, Adam, 13, Anna Grace, 11, and John Wayne Baer, 7. The family resides at 111 Prost Avenue. Dr.
Baer is a member of the Frostburg Rotary Club, Frostburg Lodge, No. 470, B. P. O. Elks and has served as a local and state officer of Maryland rep resenting the Parent- Association of State Teacher College Laboratory School.
In addition to his interest in the 1 P. T.A. and other youth movements, he is a Boy Scout enthusiast and served as chairman of the recent financial drive for that organization. He was one of the promoters of the drive last year to secure instruments for Beall High School's band. Mrs.
Baer is also active in civic affairs and is now serving as secretary the Frostburg Homemakers Club. Miss Wilderman Is Honored At Party MT. SAVAGE--Miss Olive Wilderman was honored at a surprise birthday party Saturday evening at the home of Mrs. Patrick Sullivan, Railroad Street, Guests included Mrs. Agnes Barry, Mrs.
Stella Weisenborn, Mrs. Catherine Spearman, Mrs. Margaret Smith and Mrs. Bertha Herring, Frostburg. Mrs.
Leona Reagan, Mrs. Edith Lancaster, Mrs. Veronica Campbell, Mrs. Vivian Mullaney, Mrs. Catherine Porter, Mrs.
Annadell Malloy, Mrs. Irene Aldridge, Miss Anna Belle Lashley, Miss Ceceline Lashley, Miss Joan Goebell, Miss Annabell Dorsey and the Misses Joan, Patsy and Margaret Sullivan. Frostburg Briefs Lonaconing Briefs The Lonaconing Outdoorsmen Club will meet today at 8 p. m. in James P.
Love Post No. 92. American Legion Home, Jackson Street. Andrew Brodie, who had been patient in Miners Hospital, Frostburg, is now home in Knapps Meadow. He remains seriously ill.
BETTER TRANSPORTATION From A New Engine to a New Car Can be financed the Fidelity way and you'll enjoy all the advantages of low bank rates, of choosing your own insurance Agent and of dealing at home with people you know. Fidelity Bank "The Bank With the Town Clock" Member F.D.I.C. CORSAGE SPECIAL For St. Patrick's Day Orchids $3.00 to $5.00 Carnations $3.00 Gardenias $1.25 We The Blossom Shop Phone Deliver 674 205 E. Main Frostburg MAHLON E.
WERNER SUMMIT MILLS, Pa. Mahlon E. Werner died Thursday at his home here. He was a son of the late George and Elizabeth Scroeder Werner and was born December 14, 1870, near Summit Mills, and was a retired farmer. Mr.
Werner was a member of the Summit Mills Church of the Brethern where the funeral service was conducted by Rev. W. S. Benshoff, pastor. Burial was in Lichty Cemetery.
He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Ada Miller Werner. IRA J. BAER MEYERSDALE, J. Baer, 63, died Saturday of a heart attack at the home of his mother-inlaw, Mrs.
J. M. Wiland, Broadway. Mr. Baer was a Baltimore and Ohio telegraph operator until his retirement some time ago due to ill health.
He was born March 8, 1887. He was a member of Morgantown W. Va. Chapter A. F.
and A. M. and the Railway Telegraphers Association. Mr. Baer is survived by his widow Mrs.
Wilhelmina Wiland Baer, one daughter, Mrs. Richard Turner, Long Island, N. three sisters, Mrs. Eugene Crowe and Mrs. Nettie Durst, Meyersdale and Mrs.
Annie Wilcox, Grafton W. two brothers, William Baer, Meyersdale, and Alex Baer, Akron Ohio, and two grandchildren. A funeral service was here yesterday with Rev. Howard K. Hilner officiating.
Burial was in Union Cemetery. AMOS J. NINES PARSONS, W. Va. -Amos Jacob "Doc" Nines, 69, husband of Mrs.
Alda Dumire Nines, died suddenly Saturday at his home in Location, Tucker county. He had been ill two weeks. Also surviving are a daughter. Mrs. Nina Maine, Washington, four sons, Junior Nines, St.
George; Cecil Nines, at home, and Clifford and Wilbur, Michigan; a brother, John Nines, Thornton; two sisters, Mrs. Minnie Hargett, Thornton, and Mrs. Daisy Spencer, Florida, and 16 grandchildren, A will be held today at 2 p. m. in Limestone Methodist Church with Rev.
I. E. Lewis officiating. Burial will be in the church cemetery. TIME TO SOW Scotts.
Cold weather won't harm Scotts SEED. Freezing and thawing work it into the soil so it is ready to germinate when the ground warms. Scotts Seed is your best Quality, lb 3,000,000 seeds $1.35, 5 lbs. $6.45 Scotts OUR FEED lawn with TURF BUILDER, the BUTt complete your, grass food. 2500 sq $2.50.
provide SPREADERS treatments. easy PRICHARD'S Lawn Frostburg, Md. Phones 158-159 MRS. LILLY G. SHAFFER HYNDMAN, Lilly Gertrude Shaffer, 66, widow of Lewis Shaffer, died yesterday at her home here.
Mrs. Shaffer was born April 30, 1883, in Bedford Valley, a daughter of the late Samantha Hardinger and Elmer Bruce Hite. She was a member of Hyndman Evangelical Church. She is survived by two sons, Ernest Shaffer, Hiller, and Delos Shaffer, Hyndman; two daughters, Mrs. Ethel Johnson, Connellsville, and Mrs.
Blanche Bagley, Hyndman; four brothers. Virgil Hite and Jesse Hite, Johnstown; James Hite, Hyndman. and Floyd Hite, Pittsburgh, and 12 grandchildren. A funeral service will be conducted Thursday at 2:30 p. m.
in Hyndman Evangelical Church by Rev. C. Miller, pastor. Burial will be in Hyndman Cemetery. Tuesday PALACE Mat.
Nite "Jolson Sings Again" Color by Technicolor Starring Larry Parks Barbara Hale Starting Tomorrow "'The Great Dan Patch" Tues. Wed. LYRIC Nite Only DOUBLE FEATURE "San Antonio Kid" "Saps at Sea" Starring Starring Wild Bill Elliott Stan Laurel Oliver Hardy.