Top Posts Tagged with #we don’t have to say anything about adrien stans | Tumlook (2024)


Jan 23, 2022

Idk if you have seen that post, but some Adrien stans actually think that 1) CN trying to commit murder in Hack-san was "dope" and 2) LB would approve of this. And like... honestly that post pissed me off so much, I'm glad I'm not an Adrien stan (also the OP has said in the past that Luka trying to talk with Marinette about her secret in truth was unacceptable, bc obviously murder is always a good solution to your problems, as opposed to communicating).

Don’t worry about it. Just sit back and watch the Adrien stans destroy any credibility that they still think they have. Grab a snack and watch the train wreck.

Funny how they drag Marinette into this in an attempt to make her look bad by saying that she would agree with what he did, while at the same time trying to justify his bad behavior that they would vilify Marinette for in a heartbeat.

Interesting bunch aren’t they.

#miraculous ladybug#mlb salt#Adrien stans#it’s hilarious#we don’t have to say anything about Adrien stans#they make themselves look bad#anti adrienette#anti adrien agreste#marinette dupain cheng#marinette deserves better


Jul 8, 2023

You need to answer this question for me because you have some opinions that are so confusing as to why you have those opinions because in my opinion i think your opinions should be the same as my opinion. i get opinions can change but your opinions really irk me so if i can change your opinion that be great. Okay so you stated some opinions and i will now list said opinions and maybe you can change your opinions on these opinions, you following my opinion?

Okay opinion #1, it is your opinion that Adrien was a freak baby i don’t understand. In MY opinion he was a normal baby not like the baby opinion you have. Opinion #2 Luka being a guardian is very important and in my opinion and even if that means he is celibate in my opinion he will still contribute to my opinion of the show. Opinion #3 ladynoir is still ladynoir and your opinion will not change that, sorry you can’t see the potential in my opinion. Opinion #4 i think (in my opinion) GABRIEL was redeemed and your opinion is so invalid. Opinion #5 Amelie is boring and you are wrong to think she is anything other than that. i know you are an Amelie stan so that makes it hard for your opinions to be any different from that. Opinion #6 Adrien will never find out anything in my opinion i know you like your opinion so whatever.

And now you can see i wrote my opinion in your inbox and sorry you don’t like opinions, but i had to share my opinion or i would explode and in my opinion that be your fault.

My opinion on this opinionated ask is that each their opinion and that your opinion isn't gonna change my opinion.

However I hope my opinion will change your opinion because in my opinion your opinion isn't a good opinion. Still be respectful of everyone's opinion though but your opinion is opinionatelly not great in my humble opinion.

I would opinionate that you could make your own post about your opinions so we don't have to repeat the word 'opinion' one more time but of course it's only my opinion and you do as your opinion opiniates.

May your opinionated opinion always help you to opiniate, as the French expression would say: mind your own onions @yeet-noir 🧅

#ask#yeet-noir#yeet-anonoir#once again: we're joking fjdjdjdj#ml spoilers#recreation#recreation spoilers


Mar 10, 2022

Anonymous asked:

the way the fandom is GLAD that "ladybug finally makes a mistake and is called out/suffers consequences for it, that nEvEr HapPeNs in the show" has me convinced 1) we're not watching the same show, or 2) they just want to and LIKE to see maribug suffer. and they don't know about tHaT gUy's stupid rUlE of "maribug HAS to mess up and learn a lesson in EVERY. EPISODE." ugh i hate it here

Could also be both.

Probably both.

I’d also add a third possibility that they just eat what the show feeds them, so when Gabriel is like, “Ladybug never makes mistakes!” then they’re like, “Yeah, he’s totally right!”

Anonymous asked:

A short (like 13 second) clip of Strike Back dropped on Instagram and I made the mistake of going to the comments. Like…at least 80% of the comments were people losing their damn minds over Chat tackling Ladybug out of the way of a hit from Strike Back. It’s like how when ML was trending due to the trailer for Risk having dropped and at least a solid half of the posts were all about the Ladynoir cheek kiss.

Y’all….that’s just sad. Four full seasons in with the “endgame ship”, and the stans are so starved for content that this is what drives them up a wall?

I mean I get excited whenever we get some good Lukanette crumbs cause I’m starved for more content of them, but to be fair Lukanette (unfortunately) isn’t endgame. Meanwhile having that starved kinda energy for what’s supposed to be the main romance of the show? It’s just sad. LS stans, heighten your standards.


I’ve been thinking about it for a while, honestly. It makes me so glad I dropped off this drug of a ship because I can’t imagine being so starved and jerked around for four seasons that things that have already happened and/or feel extremely forced are what get me to freak out. It really feels like the show could do anything “development”-wise, but so long as there’s somewhere in the script that says, “Ladybug holds Chat’s hand for two seconds,” everyone will fixate on that and not the terrible writing.

The reason I get excited over Lukanette “crumbs” is because Marinette is usually in her element/not talking about Adrien (since it’s not a Lukanette crumb if Adrien is involved). Her and Luka just enjoy each other and things feel really peaceful, which we don’t get in the show normally (whereas they try to cram in love square on everything). I wouldn’t even need them to be endgame to be satisfied with their relationship, just best friends.

#category: salt#salt: fandom#salt: love square#episode: Strikeback#other: ask and answer#other: ml spoilers


Oct 12, 2021

Alright then. If that’s how you want to play it...

How exactly are we supposed to ignore everything you’ve done, everything you’ve said, because you’re “trying to change for the better”? If you are trying to change your ways, A) you would have stopped harassing different Miraculous Ladybug blogs, and B) you would have given a proper apology to the blogs you’ve harassed like @zoe-oneesama or @ladylb.

Because here’s the thing: You haven't learned anything from this experience. You still reblog random posts just to go on about how much you hate the Love Square

All of these were taken in the past few days alone.

If you’re so angry about being“exposed” on YouTube by @harriyanna​ (Link here for those who are curious), why are you okay with attacking other users because they don’t have the same opinions you have?

You’ve also been reblogging some of your older posts and have only doubled down on your opinions proving you haven’t realized that people are starting to distance themselves from you because they see you as a hostile Adrien stan.

You can’t keep acting like you’re the victim while you attack other users for their opinions and act surprised when other people start to call you out on your hypocrisy.

And for someone trying to change for the better, I, like so many other Miraculous Ladybug blogs, am still waiting on my apology and for you to completely unblock me. I’m just saying, if you’re as good as you claim to be, you should at least try to repair the bridges you burned.

#immaturity of thomas astruc#iota#plaggandadrienbondingisthebest


Oct 31, 2022

white hair and pronouns ("Passion")

no Alya the WEIRD THING is that you just woke up in Marinette’s bed on a school day and yet you’re having this discussion about which boy she is or isn’t in love with

“Papa” what the f*ck happened in ep. 5

Cooking with grease and batter while dolled up in all white is just vaguely better than what the Korean lady on youtube was doing and I’m going to assume Gabriel’s clothes are way more expensive

the fact that Adrien’s looking at the remote control ring and promptly gets starry-eyed about a happy family is frankly gross, but it’s not like I had expectations about this after Kuro Neko’s demise

but thanks anyway to the people who created a sexy catboy superhero with the powers of destruction and decided to make him the patron saint of hopeless romantics

yes I was listening to figure out whether he’s adressing her with “tu”. She certainly isn’t and I’m pretty sure that was what she just refused him here

if the moral is going to be that Gabe proves his humanity by letting his son and his partner in crime who sacrificed her health and wellbeing to aid his personal ambitions adress him with the familiar pronoun


I’m not following Plagg’s cheese metaphors any longer

lesbianism increasing

and so the backstabbery begins, oh boy

not Adrien asking her about “the first time she was in love” the moment after we got our first look of Emilie on screen and Nathalie flashbacks to her

Adrien Agreste and the Quest for the Family Curse

how sad is it that my first thought here was “hey is that Kagami’s car”

Details I love: Tikki’s drawing talent. I hope S5 will have her and Plagg hanging out while the kids are in class at least TEN TIMES.

I’m pretty sure Plagg just confirmed that the “never tell each other identites” rule was just some BS that Fu made up, never mind how S4 had some two or three episodes explaining in THOROUGH DETAIL why it is necessary

Tikki is COLD

Gabe she’s like two floors above you, don’t be lazy

so how are we gonna explain this akumatisation to Adrien

needless details I love: Marinette went into an empty bathroom and locked the door to a cubicle she wasn’t even planning to pull down her trousers in

I can’t believe I’ve yet to find fanfic about Ladynoir bunking off to go on dates

If Marinette is conscious during all this and this is how the reveal happens then my hat is off to the writers, no joke

You let Ladybug struggle with the gravity of a bowling ball, you can let Adrien struggle a LITTLE with the gravity of a teenage girl when the superpowers are gone

I screamed very quietly inside my head when we first saw both miraculous in Adrien’s hand there

how dare they not give us Adrien having a pow-wow with Tikki and Plagg

Gabriel’s concern here might’ve almost been touching if we didn’t know that he just had to face another smarting loss at the hands of those meddling kids

I’m sure there are things to be said about how Adrien’s firstsecond ever episode as the MVP had him doing the heroics in Ladybug’s dress but as a Mr. Bug stan I have absolutely no complaints about anything

Gotta say this is a change in tune from the end of last episode, Marinette, but if nothing else the “no stammering” had its precedent in “Cat Blanc” and “Ephemeral”

Nathalie I hope you’re taking notice about the concept of knocking on doors here

You can start your good deeds of being there for him by reporting his father to the childcare authorities jsyk

is that end card supposed to make us draw the contrast or comparison between Gabriel and Monarch

#mira#miraculous ladybug#let's watch cartoons#blah#ml spoilers#linguistics


Apr 13, 2021

do you have any lukanette ideas with chat/adrien salt? the newest episode reignited my annoyance towards him and his stans acting like he didn’t do anything wrong is not helping. i mean, flirting with ladybug while he’s dating kagami? getting excited over a possible akumatization?? and since i know that behavior won’t be addressed bc adrien is “perfect” and “the love square is endgame” therefore he gets a pass for any bad behavior, i was hoping for some fanmade salt (and lukanette is always a great addition to any story)

I can appreciate how starved you guys are to hear me salt on this blog.

But yeah, I came up with something considering that quite a bit of Chat’s behavior happens before Truth appears in “Lies.”

So hear me out--

Truth is a threat, considering that Luka is the only hero outside of Ladybug intended to be a planner. All others take orders directly from Ladybug herself, but Viperion could plan on his own.

This means that Truth realizes quickly that his strategy of asking for the heroes’ identities isn’t going to work because they’ll shout over him every time. He has to get creative and comes up with the idea to divide the heroes.

He comments on their teamwork, perhaps saying vaguely about how their teamwork can’t outmatch his and Pharo’s. Chat obviously takes the bait, talking on and on about how he and Ladybug are the best team and that they’re made for each other.

“Really?” Truth asks casually. “You’ve never done anything against her?”

Chat Noir responds, his white lips moving to say, “Of course I have!”

Ladybug gapes, and Chat looks calm for a second before his eyes immediately widen in panic.

He tries to say that it’s not what he means, but Truth’s power is active, so he just blurts out, “That’s exactly what I mean!”

He tries to cover his mouth with his non-Cataclysm hand, but gets shot by Pharo.

“I told Theo Barbot that we were dating and it got him akumatized!”

“You did what?!” Ladybug asks, having never heard this before.

Chat doesn’t stop - he can’t - and his mouth keeps moving. He admits that he sacrifices himself because he knows it won’t matter since Ladybug will fix it, and it means he’ll always leave an impression on her. He admits that he didn’t care when Nadja or Alya were egging on the LadyNoir ship because he feels like Ladybug will come around eventually. He admits that he doesn’t take her seriously when she goes off on him because“she’s cute when she’s angry.” He admits that he wanted an akuma to happen even though he knew Ladybug was busy, just because he wanted to spend time with her. He admits to telling his kwami he’d quit while Paris was underwater if he didn’t spill what Ladybug was hiding.

Honestly, even Truth at this point is like, “man I wanted to divide your teamwork, not your entire relationship.”

Ladybug eventually manages to snap out of her trance and deal with the whole situation (mostly by herself), but the damage is done. Even after the akuma has been purified and Truth turns back into Luka, Chat’s words linger and Ladybug ignores him.

“Are you okay, Luka?”

“Huh? Ah, yeah, thanks...”

Chat is awkwardly standing nearby, his tail in both hands as he fiddles with it. “So--ah... Bugaboo--”

“Don’t,” Ladybug cuts in, not even looking at him. “Is that why you use that nickname when I’m mad? To butter me up? Try to earn points? Do you think it’s funny?”

“No, no!” He waves his hands frantically. “It’s not--”

“See, the thing is that now I won’t know whether you’re lying or not,” she points out, the situation feeling all to familiar to when Tikki lied to her, only this was worse. She honestly wanted to trust Chat Noir; he was her partner, irreplaceable in the sense that he was there from the start.

But maybe not irreplaceable elsewhere.

“I wouldn’t lie to you!” he swears.

“But you’ll keep things from me,” she counters. She sighs, gently taking Luka’s hand and helping him stand, then addressing him as she says, “I’ll take you home, alright?”

Luka’s gaze briefly flickers between the two of them, but he asks no questions and nods. “Thank you.”

She guides him up the staircase to take him up to the balcony, Chat Noir rushing over to stand at the bottom of the steps.


Ladybug turns to him with a silencing glare. “I really don’t want to be around you right now. We’ll talk later when I’m ready.”

(He’s going to be in for a long talk when they finally meet back up again, and suddenly, he isn’t so eager for an akuma to come rushing by to force them to come back together as a team.)

And with that, Ladybug goes up to the balcony, takes Luka in her arms, and leaves. Things are quiet at first, her taking in a few breaths of the night air as she tries to relax.

The past few days had been a mess, and that was putting it lightly. The kwami, dating, the akuma (that Chat Noir had apparently been soooo excited about), and now this big revelation. The stress must show on her face too, as she can occasionally feel Luka’s concerned gaze on her.

In a way, it’s nice, just having her boyfriend care like this, even when she’s in a mask. He’d put up with way more for her than she felt like he should’ve, and she knew that he’d disagree if she even dared to voice that thought.

Without really thinking, she starts talking to him. She talks about Ladybug, about everything; being thrown into this life that she didn’t ask for, and being happy to save Paris but sad at the emotional toll it takes. She tells him about all the friends who tease her for her lateness, and while it might’ve been funny at first - she was genuinely absent-minded at times - it doesn’t become as funny when knowing that it was something that couldn’t be helped.

“...I’m sorry you’re going through that,” Luka says in an offer of comfort. He sighs, not recoiling from her but it feels like he’s distant anyway. “I know it didn’t help that I was akumatized. I hope I didn’t do anything to Marinette.”

Her gaze softens; of course he’s thinking of her again. It’s Luka, she has no right to be surprised.

Chat Noir, meanwhile, was just thinking of himself.

“Actually,” she corrects, something occurring to her, “I think you might’ve helped in your own way.”

Luka tilts his head at her, puzzled.

She changes course just slightly, specifically to a spot not too far from the Liberty; one that is very familiar to both of them, and she can tell by the way his brows raise that he’s surprised by where she’s about to land.

Underneath the bridge, in the spot where he’d initially asked her - when she was Marinette - where she’d always been going, just before he got akumatized.

She sets him down, then paces around to try and clear her head.

“...Like I said, I didn’t get a lot of choice in this,” she begins. “I tried to give my miraculous up once in the beginning, but there was so much pressure and everything was going wrong. Then, things would just--happen around me, things that I couldn’t really think of--and this is coming from me!” She turns to him dramatically, gesturing to herself. “I imagine things going wrong all the time and I still can’t predict when they actually do!”

Luka chuckles lightly at that, but otherwise stays quiet, unsure of where she’s going with this but giving her his full attention.

“Me becoming the new guardian of the miraculouses so out of nowhere... it was a lot, and suddenly I had a bunch of kwami around my room who all wanted to get into my stuff or mess around. I didn’t choose to let them out; it just happened when I was trying to see how the box with all the miraculouses worked.” She groans a bit, rubbing her forehead as she paces around again. “Then in came Shadow Moth and all the akuma showing up, and now I’m even busier. I can’t even make time for my boyfriend.”

There’s a flicker of emotion in Luka’s eyes at that, but he doesn’t say anything, though his fingers twitch slightly at his sides.

“Then--” She looks down. “--there’s Chat Noir. I didn’t choose him either; the old guardian chose him for me, and he wasn’t even fully trained. I was Chat’s partner and that was it; I didn’t get a choice to give up, it just... was, and I have to deal with whatever the relationship--” She makes a face at the word. “--we have is, because if something goes wrong then everything can go wrong, and then Paris is in danger.”

She shakes her head, realizing that she’s rambling. She continues staring quietly at the ground, then releases the tenseness in her shoulders.

“But...” She looks up to meet Luka’s gaze. “I did choose you, Luka. I finally got to choose something for me, and the only thing I regret about it is everything that I can’t choose. You chose me and I chose you and...” She almost laughs. “It’s weird that it’s that simple for once.”

He’s clearly pieced the puzzle together by now but hasn’t quite processed the result. She can see the whisper of her name on his lips and she smiles at him, taking a step back and spreading her arms wide.

“You’re my real partner, Luka. You get me, you care about me, and we’re similar but different and it’s great.” She swallows, feeling her nerves building a little but pushing forward enthusiastically nonetheless. “So I want to make a choice for us, because we trust each other and I want to give you something no one else has.”

Then, she closes her eyes, taking a breath and briefly tightening her hands into fists.

“Tikki, spots off.”

#((Is there such a thing as *too* many ''Truth'' fix-its?))#type: ideas#type: salt#other: ml spoilers#((I considered sending this ask to my other account but I didn't know if this anon followed me there.))#Flower Arrangement Shipping#episode: Truth#episode: Lies#Pro LukaMari#Lukanette


Aug 31, 2021

Sorry to submit this but I don’t have a tumblr account and didn’t wanna make one but NEED TO SAY THIS bc it’s been driving me nuts while I’ve been silently lurking in the ml spoilers tag. Has it not occurred to anyone that if the leaked script where LB snaps and tells Chat to stop is indeed from episode 15, it might be the point where he actually stops confessing his feelings to her? I’ve reread the transcripts for Rocketear and Wishmaker (aka eps 16 and 17) like mad. And the interesting thing is that, in both of those eps which we assume follows LB’s ‘JUST STOP’ line, CN makes absolutely no romantic overtures. Nino references his flirting in Rocketear all ‘LB turns him down every time and she’s right because he’s obnoxious!’ (which we see Adrien is hurt by) but when CN’s actually around LB, there is nothing romantic about him. No confessions of love. Not even a single line of admiration. The most CN does is call LB “m’lady” once, and that’s arguably a non-romantic nickname at this point. TL;DR: fandom noticed CN was acting more aloof and cold in episodes 16-17 and attributed it to the growing gap bc of secrets/insecurity - which is also true imo - but what if the change really started in episode 15, with Chat deciding to try and put a lid on his feelings by maintaining a distance, rather than risk LB getting mad at him? Maybe I’m wrong, but I don’t think I am. I just can’t believe everyone is assuming the JUST STOP is just gonna end in a reset of the status quo, when CN’s behaviour in the following episodes is so clearly and drastically different. Ofc, this theory of events can be a good or bad thing (or both) depending on your perspective (my poor ladynoir heart) but it would be a major turning point. And I think it fits.

i think it fits too, though i’m hesitant to draw too many conclusions about these scripts with more context. he’s toned down the flirting a lot overall this season - i don’t think we’ve seen him flirt much at all since gang of secrets. given that she got them kicked out of the movie by ranting about romance, he probably (correctly) intuited that movie dates, or maybe any dates, weren’t a great idea atm. i’m interested in why he’s suddenly romantically pursuing her again in 15, since there wasn’t much to prompt it in episodes 10-14 except that maybe he’s seeking more validation and attention from her after sentibubbler - i hope not since it seems to have backfired. maybe he just thought enough time had passed since gang of secrets? maybe he saw kagami at the beginning of the episode and it made him feel lonely? maybe he had a stray squishy feeling for marinette and overcompensated?

either way, i doubt we will be seeing much more flirting or romantic overtures from CN towards LB post episode 15. which, to me, as a ladynoir stan, is fine - they aren’t in a good place for romance right now, and i’d really like ladybug to be the one making the next moves if anything happens prereveal - heck, i’d like that post-reveal too. give me mutual pining where ladybug realizes she’s fallen for chat noir but he’s moved on to marinette. then they realize their identities, but adrien still isn’t flirting because of something ladybug said in the heat on the moment in season 4 episode 15! i’ll take all the romantic miscommunication and pining, yes please, but also we can put ladynoir romance on hold for a bit while they sort the rest of their sh*t out - so hopefully episode 15 will do just that

#submission#ml spoilers#ml leaks#miraculous ladybug#thanks for the submission!#i haven’t talked too much about the scripts because i don’t wanna jump to conclusions#but you make a solid argument


Dec 21, 2021

Submitted prompt:

edited a bit for clarity, and some added details

Chat Blanc AU.

Gabriel salt because he is an abusive asshole who shoulddieand Adrien deserves better.

Adrien sugar and salt.

Made because those disgusting Adrien stans would like Adrien to be abused to justify his actions instead of having him freed from his abusive father.So much love for Adrien’s mental health right there /s>:(

In hindsight, Gabriel should have known better than to threaten Marinette with his son’s freedom in some nefarious plan to Akumatise her.

He knew that Marinette was clever, meticulous, creative, and very capable, and he knew that she was able to impress many famous people with her skills and personality.

And most importantly, he knows how much she cares about Adrien.

So how is it that he ignored the possibility of her reacting to his “ultimatum” in any way other than complete compliance?

So when Nathalie left the bakery, with Gabriel feeling smug at his work, as if he’d made a prank, he didn’t see as Marinette calmed herself, and instead of her heartbroken expression, rage was bubbling inside of her.

The sheer audacity of what Gabriel was trying to force her to do, the sheer cruelty he has when he casually threatened the happiness and freedom of his son.

Gabriel was never a pleasant person to be with to her, and the times she met him made it clear to her that she should never associate with that man anymore than she has to, and the only reason she even entertained the idea of being in the general area with him was because Adrien seemed to like his father and craved his attention and respect.

And now he is doing this?!

Yeah, no. She won’t stay silent about this.

“To think he actually said that!” She seethed, as her parents looked furious as well. They’d heard everything, since it wasn’t like Gabriel had tried to keep it quiet, or anything.

“We had expected this, and planned for this scenario sweetie,” Tom responded to Marinette’s surprise. “We’ve been trying to figure out a way for months now to get Adrien away from that abusive home, and this is the final straw. We can’t wait any longer, not when he’s being this blatant in his cruelty. Now, all we need is to act. No way an abusive jerk like him will be allowed custody of Adrien anymore.”

Sabine took her phone and told Marinette.

“I’m calling child services right now, and I will be sharing with them the conversation I just recorded Mr. Agreste having, and if they don’t do anything, I’ll share the recording with Nadja Chamack as well. Go relax now.”

They didn’t say “calm down so you don’t get Akumatized” out loud, but they all knew that was a danger.

Marinette nodded as she calmed herself, and went up to her room.

She immediately opened her phone and called.

“Hi, Alya, tell Nino and the entire class and their parents that Adrien is in need of help. We’re going to take down an abusive father.”

When Gabriel woke up, he was expecting this day to be a good one, even with the rain outside.

After all, this is the day where he will be able to Akumatise Marinette, and have his “Masterpiece Akuma” and finally win and revive/heal his wife!

Those expectations were immediately broken when he heard a loud sound from outside his house making him wonder what’s going on, and he then got even more confused, when a loud voice was telling him that he was arrested.

Looking from the window to see who is the idiot that thought of arresting him was, and…


He couldn’t hide his bafflement.

Just outside his mansion’s gates (that were practically ripped off), was a horde of citizens, quite few of them he recognized some as Adrien’s classmates.

On the front, Ladybug, along Carapace and Rena Rouge were holding voice amplifiers and were commanding him to give himself up to be arrested for child abuse, being a horrible employer, and abusing his employees.

Nathalie was also ordered to give herselfup in along with Henri as suspects of accomplice with Gabriel, so they will be investigated and to see how far their involvement with Gabriel’s crimes goes. They’d worked for Gabriel for years, but neither of them had reported his abuse of Adrien.

Meanwhile, Adrien is both shocked and strangely happy at the idea that his classmates cared this much that they will have a mob to protect him, and a dreadful dawning realization at how he was treating them just with the same disrespect his father was giving to him, makes itself known in his heart.

Gabriel is easily captured, along with Nathalie, and their attempts of making an Akuma and/or an amok to deal with the rioting citizens is met with immediate and painful results of them losing, and exposing themselves as the two villains who tormented Paris, and this only makes Marinette more adamant on getting Adrien free from their clutches.

Adrien gets adopted into a loving family (not Marinette’s, obviously), and ends up going to therapy to help him deal with the trauma of his abuse, and to learn how to not repeat that same abuse onto others.

This also helps Adrien finally accept that what he was doing to Ladybug, and how he acted to his classmates was bad, and accept his responsibility for his actions and the harm he caused.

He always knew that what he was doing was horrible, but he didn’t want to accept responsibility for that, and tried to defend it and justify it to himself because it was fun and enjoyable for him, so other people’s feelings didn’t matter.

But now, he no longer wants to be like his abusive father, who only cared about how he could benefit himself, no matter how many other people he hurt in the process. That’s exactly what Adrien was doing, and there’s no excuse for his behavior.

He wants to be better.

Even if it required rebuilding everything from zero.

And he would start with giving Plagg’s Ring to Ladybug, and apologizing for how much he abused her, and Plagg.

#submission#ml salt#ml salt prompts#miraculous ladybug#ml writing prompts#Adrien Agreste#Marinette Dupain-Cheng#Ladybug#Chat Noir#gabriel is an idiot#hawkmoth is an idiot#Adrien sugar#Adrien sugar prompts#Adrien pepper#adrien pepper prompts#Adrien redemption#Adrien redemption prompts#Adrien goes to therapy#Adrien becomes a better person#Marinette deserves better#Adrien deserves better#Show!Marinette#Show!Adrien#Show!Miraculous
Top Posts Tagged with #we don’t have to say anything about adrien stans | Tumlook (2024)


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